Admir Mehmedovic-Houseman

Housekeeping | The Grove Hotel & Hotel 43


Chances are, if you live, work, or play in Downtown Boise, you’ve run into Admir Mehmedovic-Houseman. He is one of Downtown’s most beloved hospitality industry workers and is at least partially responsible for keeping things running smoothly behind the scenes in two of Downtown’s most recognizable hotels – The Grove Hotel and Hotel 43. This is his story:

For the past 12 years I have lived and worked in Downtown Boise. I originally started working for The Grove Hotel, and now work for both The Grove Hotel and Hotel 43. During this time, I have seen many people come to Boise from all walks of life. It has been a journey working here, but I enjoy it and the people I work with. Regina, the housekeeping assistant manager, is a great mentor. She has shown me what it means to be part of a great team. If I could teach one thing to any new person, it would be to always be a good team member, as this has helped me many times. I have learned that I can do anything I want as long as I have the right people around me.  

“I have learned that I can do anything I want as long as I have the right people around me.”


My family is originally from Srebrenica, a small town in Bosnia. I have two sisters and a brother, and many good memories of my mom and family growing up there. As a child I liked going to school and visiting with friends. I was almost 20 years old when my family moved to the United States looking for a better life. My dad lives here in Boise as well. Any time I need motivation I think about my family - they have helped me in become self-sufficient and instilled a good work ethic in me.

“Any time I need motivation I think about my family - they have helped me in becoming self-sufficient and instilled a good work ethic in me.”


Moving to Boise and experiencing the very nice people and scenery here, I knew it would be a great place to live and work. I actually live right in downtown, and it is a great place to be. There are many beautiful places and all of the things a city has to offer within biking or walking distance.

I have seen Boise transform into a much bigger city than it was when I originally moved here, but the people have not changed. Everyone has respect for each other and partnered with the beauty of the area it makes Boise a great place to live or visit. Even simple things like getting Dutch Bros. is always a good experience, seeing people who love what they do in action.From the people to the shopping to food, museums, and parks - Boise is number one on my list.

“Everyone has respect for each other and partnered with the beauty of the area it makes Boise a great place to live or visit.”


Albums which define your life:

Freedom | Akon

Thriller | Michael Jackson

After Hours | The Weekend

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About Upside Downtown


A project from Downtown Boise Association